Sunday, November 27, 2011


  This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.—               Psalm 118-24, NLT

Today is the day that I have a dream … a vision of unity restored to the congregations across the nations uniting as one, in order to create a new, sincere amalgamation of truth that win the lost, but the church must pay the cost to be the boss on this earth, as it is in heaven. So give up the flesh, and come to Jesus Christ, who only—can save us.

For Salvation belongs to the Jews (Romans 1:16), that’s right! Yes, Jesus Christ died on the cross that the Blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles (Galatians 3:14), that’s you and me, meaning we!

I have a reoccurring dream of the children of Israel crossing over from death to life, fleeing from Egypt to immigrate into the Lord’s promised land, the land of milk and honey, where there is no debt, no lack, no illiteracy, no doubt, no sadness, no unemployment, no sickness and disease, no hostility, no racism, no rebellion, or disobedience from the Word of God, even no poverty (spiritual, physical, or financial); For He will wipe all tears from our eyes (Revelations 21:4). Surely he will do this for us in Heaven, but already has he done this for us here on earth. If we would only believe on Him and not on another, nor on any other way, for there is only one way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). Amen.

I Have a Dream Continued …

I have a dream today that cancer patients would come to Jesus Christ and be cured, for by His stripes we have been healed (Isaiah 53:5).

I have a dream today that AIDS would dissipate, as the flesh is brought unto subjection.

I have a dream today that the Walls of Jericho will come tumbling down inside of us, as we shout unto the Lord our God.

I have a dream today that God would be welcomed back into our schools to prevent the Columbines and the Virginia Techs.

I have a dream today that government officials will include God in their decision making process.

I have a dream today that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

My dream concludes today with the returning of the Lord Jesus Christ, for He will return when we least expect it; for it is written …

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