Sunday, November 27, 2011


Let us trust our heavenly Father not to spare us from pain and suffering, but trust Him to use all things for good and spare us from actual harm. Good is whatever is needed to help us grow wiser, stronger, and more useful to God. Harm is whatever stunts our growth. Do depend on Him for protection, but that is not the ultimate good and God and we both want the ultimate good.

If you are a true follower of Jesus--I define that as one who endeavors to walk in all the teachings of the Bible--and have rough waters or dry deserts, know that God is in it with you and will use it for good, yours and maybe others also--the witness of how God brings you through with benefits and/or the lessons that pain and suffering teach.

You don’t need to know why it’s happening to you nor what good God could possibly bring out of it, all you need to know is that God is in it with you. Your job is to obey what the Bible tells you to do in that type of situation and to have faith that the adventure or misadventure is going to be worth it--it is necessary for what you and God wants for you and perhaps others.

Putting the Word to work in our lives causes us to dwell in green pastures and we can have the peace of God which passes understanding, knowing that God will work it all out for our good.

He prepares a table for us in the presence of our enemies. The devil is your enemy, whether he is putting negative thoughts in your mind or having people speak hurting and weakening words to you. Your counter move is to turn to God and look for Him to spread a table with the Words of life and hope before you. He will turn you back to looking up instead of in.

His Word and His Spirit will comfort you. He’ll anoint your head with oil--the anointing that breaks the yoke. This is the oil that runs down over our heads and heals our inward wounds. Your cup will run over with joy and gratitude.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life and if you continue to resist the enemy, you shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

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