Wednesday, November 23, 2011


    Do you see yourself as a nobody? Someone with nothing to offer? Are you so consumed with hurt and pain, guilt and shame, sin and failures, that being like Jesus is the last thing on your mind? Stop, and get a new vision--the vision God has for your life. You are somebody and your life does matter. God, our Father, has a plan for your life, no matter what you are currently living through.

    To walk in authority and power like Jesus, we must worship God--bowing down every thing about ourselves. The following are a few pointers that may not be easy to do, but are critical to fulfilling God's plan.

    Everyday, being one with God should be our top priority. Jesus prayed that we be one with God as He and God are one. We always want to be connected with Him. Spending intimate time with Him, and following the instructions we receive during these times helps us stay connected.

    We must allow God to expose us to areas in our lives that are contrary to His will. We must accept those areas of sin and receive His forgiveness, mercy and grace. Healing and growth can take place as we allow Him to show us His way--His righteous way. This life long process of bowing down and receiving this exposure can be compared to detoxification of our bodies--it cleanses and removes all the toxins and the poisons that have accumulated and are destroying our spiritual life.

    Our soul must belong to the Lord. Our thoughts, feelings, and will must be submitted to Him. As we are crucified--having our passion and selfishness extinguished and subdued by self denial--our thoughts become the thoughts of God. (crucified, Greek 4717: The Strong's Exhaustive Concordance: Greek Dictionary of the New Testament)

To learn obedience as Jesus did, we must learn to suffer royally, doing away with negative, "woe is me" attitudes, and the temptation to give up.

    Decide that you want to be all God would have you to be. Then, start moving toward the mark as you receive simple instructions from Him. By obeying those instructions, you will learn to walk in the spirit. As we mature spiritually, we will walk on this earth with the same authority and power as Jesus did.

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