Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Our faith should be growing every day. Did you know that worship helps our faith grow? How? During worship we:

    Acknowledge God owns everything. Function confidently, knowing He's in control. Understand that He gives and takes away and love Him regardless. Express thanks no matter the situation. Sing and speak praises to Him in rough times just as in the good times. Are quick to obey; Bold to witness. Are quick to submit to Him and others. Are quick to forgive, and to ask forgiveness. Use our spiritual gifts; and the authority of His Name to accomplish things in our lives, and for others. Realize that worshiping Him includes our behavior and attitude as well as our prayers and singing.

    "Worship" is really an act of faith! It requires trust on our part to say, "God I give my life totally to You. I give you permission to lead me where You want me to go, to do what You call me to do. I trust you to guide my thoughts, my relationships, my job, my things, my wallet, my future."

    You see, God has given each of us a measure of faith. I picture faith like a muscle: if we use it, it grows bigger and stronger; if we don't it just sits there and doesn't accomplish much.

    So what happens when we worship Him? Our faith grows! When we quote and pray Scripture verses to God, it encourages us. When we proclaim our faith (belief and trust) in Him, we confirm it to ourselves. We chase doubt away by reviewing His truths. We replace fear with trust.

    Sacrifice is also a part of worship. Like bringing our tithes and offerings as part of the "worship service" on Sunday is intentional, so is worshiping Him through times of adversity. It's easy to praise, obey and submit when things are going smoothly.

But when tough times come, when our faith is being tested, worship is a sacrifice. Worshiping in those times especially grows our faith.

    If worship is an act (or a lifestyle) of faith, who needs it to grow? Does God need our thanks and praise? He's God anyways. He will do what He will do regardless if we worship Him or not.

No, it's we who need to worship Him.

    Certainly, our Creator is jealous for our adoration. He deserves our worship but unlike us humans who need words of affirmation and pats on the back, God doesn't need our worship to grow or function or stay encouraged. We do. Does God feel any better while we worship Him? Oh, He's pleased in watching us bolster ourselves up, but the exercise is for our benefit, to grow our faith!

As you walk with Him, and especially as end times approach, you'll need bigger, stronger faith. I encourage you to go deeper with God and grow your faith!

    There are many ways to worship; it's definitely not a spectator's sport. Worship corporately with other believers at church; try it with a small group too; carve out time to worship Him privately every day; and live your life as constant worship to Him. Your faith will grow through worship.

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