Monday, February 27, 2012


The path to Hope, is not far away
Look around, don’t go astray

Life is a journey, Life is short
Life is amazing, Life is comfort

Take my hand and walk with me
Life gives us clues, not the map you see

Don’t wait for better things to come
When Faith is Hope, Hope becomes

Enjoy what life brings your way
Live it now, every single day

Don’t sit and wonder, what might have been
For this alone, is a sinful sin

Take a chance on what tomorrow may be
Open your eyes and you will see

The gift of life is for me and you
Pick it up, this Hope is too

Be good to each other as each other can be
Love one another and you will see

Hope is there leading the way
To greener pastures is what they say
Hope is there, do you hear it call

It is for one, it is for all
Bad times will be a thing of the past
The Hope of salvation is there to last

Love one another as Jesus told us to do
Forgive one another as He forgives you

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