Friday, January 20, 2012


You want me to share
And I desire to respond
But false layers within
Are a barrier to intimacy
Like Paul I experience
Doing the opposite
Of what I know is true
Incapable at times of
Overcoming the pulls
Of my lower nature

With John of The Cross
You have given a guide
To help ascend the mount
For it is a mountain –
The way of perfection,
The way of humanization

In ‘The Ascent’ he tells
Of how arduous the journey
And of what we can do
To become new persons
That is to love You
For in loving You we receive
The grace of ‘The dark night’
And although resisting You
In my weakness You purify me
In the darkness

‘The Night’ shows
That our problems arises
Not from society but within
In order to build up ourselves
We must realise the purification
Of senses and imperfections.
John’s image of burning wood
Implies that You change our very
Being not just our behavior

The wisdom of both books show
That our very hearts require changing
And only You Our God can do this

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