Sunday, November 27, 2011


       How many of us can relate to a women with an issue? This woman REALLY had an issue. If we could only imagine all that this woman went through as a result of her "issue". She was considered unclean and anyone who touched her or anything she sat or laid upon was considered unclean. She was to stay seperated so that she wouldn't cause others to become unclean if they touched her. How humiliating that must have been for this woman who had this issue of blood for twelve long years. She couldn't touch anyone or even come out in public. How lonely, rejected, and unwanted she must have felt. But this woman had a determination in her. She certainly wasn't a quiter. But I have a feeling she may have been at the end of her rope, so to speak, by the time she heard about Jesus. With one last thrust of determination she pressed through the crowd to touch Jesus because she knew if she could just touch Him she would be made whole. Have you ever been in a situation that made you feel like this woman must have felt? Is there an "issue" going on in your life that makes you feel unclean, rejected, lonely and abandoned like this woman must have felt? You must press through to Jesus. Press through the crowd of things and even people that seem to be in the way and touch Jesus and He will make you whole. She touched Him with faith in her heart and healing virtue was released from Him. So much so that He turned and said "Who touched Me?" He will do the same for you whether your issue is physical, emotional, or spiritual. Press through and be made whole!

                           Scripture Ref. Mark 5:25

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