Sunday, November 27, 2011


The secret to knowing Christ is to let Him reveal Himself however He desires. And the secret to knowing any eternal mystery grounded in Christ is to surrender to Him so He can teach us whenever and however He knows is best. When in doubt, the secret to knowing God is to give up our right to know anything about anything.

          We will understand Christ’s mind for us when we just let Him be Himself to us. We will press on toward maturity when we no longer esteem ourselves as experts, but rather, humble ourselves as submissive students.

          One of the most miraculous things about God’s fellowship with us is that He dwells with us completely on His own initiative. He doesn’t wait for us to deserve or even understand His Presence before He goes ahead and blesses us in this way.

          The same thing goes for learning. When we ask the Lord to teach us His mind or how to fellowship with Him, He does not wait around until we start to get a clue on our own. He works in us from the beginning to the end of our faith for our sake as well as for His name’s sake so that He will receive all credit for our spiritual education.

          These things also hint at the fact that the best thing we or anyone else in the world could ever hope to become is a vessel of God's free, unconditional grace.

          There is still no other way to know and follow Christ than by obeying His direct commands. There is no other way to hear from Him except by listening to what He is literally saying.

          Our mentality should be to dwell in the commonsensicalness of Christ. Either He is real and at work in our midst or He is not real and therefore putting faith in Him is a waste of time.

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