Sunday, November 27, 2011


I am sure you must have heard or read about the two accused criminals that were crucified with Jesus Christ. If you have not, I encourage you to do so by reading the accounts of Luke 23:32-43. Let us consider these two criminals. They had been rightly judged by the law of that day and sentenced to death. Right in the middle of these accused was the only WAY out of their condemnation. One of the two recognized it and the other was blinded to it. Why?
We can see that both have the same information they needed to know about this WAY: He (Christ) had done nothing wrong but yet was given the same condemnation as they.
On the top of His cross was a sign written 'THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS'. They both heard the mockery of the Jews of Him saving others from their problems but cannot help himself. What advantage had one for him to be able to recognize this WAY?

          A REPENTANT HEART: A heart that acknowledges its wrong deeds and forsakes them (Luke 23:41). He repented of his evil ways and was favoured, being assured of a life in paradise. Little wonder God sent John the Baptist preaching repentance in order to prepare the Way for Christ so that the people will be able to recognized Him. You will not recognize JESUS until you have repented of your old ways and forsake all. Do not be like the foolish accused.
          REPENT now for the kingdom of heaven is already here.
Be part of it!

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